Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Blessing in Disguise

Senator-Elect Scott Brown (R)'s victory might seem to be a huge blow to the Democratic party, but it could be a huge win for the American people. The Democratic leadership was given a great gift by the American people, and they have failed to spend their political capital, choosing instead to try to cater to those in power who confuse steering this ship of state with playing a high school football game. Perhaps this sign of vulnerability will be the wake-up call needed to get done what they were put in office to do. It's time to stop trying to curry-favor to those who are still smarting from the 2008 election and act like you have a pair. If you choose to continue to waffle, then you deserve to lose your seats.

Sen.-elect Brown, I congratulate you and hope that your service benefits the citizens of Massachusetts as well as the citizens of the United States. To wish you ill because of your party would be childish and--since you will play a hand in how this country is shaped--is fundamentally un-American. This is not a high school football team where if one side loses, the other side is unaffected. This is the United States of America, and if this ship sinks, everyone goes down with it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Thought on the Reid Situation

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is under fire for having called President Obama a negro. I've been going over Reid's history as best as possible online and the action seems inconsistent to his past behavior. I'm not trying to defend him just because he's a Democrat and I acknowledge that I don't know him personally, but it just struck me as strange.

The timing of this situation caught my attention as well. I'm starting to wonder if the Democrats allowed this to happen to distract the Republicans while the health care bill is being done. The Senate passed the bill today and it went virtually unnoticed. That is the only hypothesis that seems to make sense. Reid didn't have much of a chance getting re-elected anyway so he would make an ideal person to choose to be the distracting scandal. Reid could resign and do the apology circuit. Why wouldn't he agree, especially since he could be appointed for a position in the Obama administration and it could be sold to the press as an "exercise in forgiveness."