Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Heat is On?

The New York Times led today with the news that the White House may be showing signs that it is beginning to cave under pressure from at home to end the war in Iraq. Apparently there is supposed to be a debate to determine whether or not troop reduction should start in 2008...conveniently amidst the heat of the presidential election. The numbers are supposed to drop by 46,000 troops and the fight is supposed to now focus on where Al Qaeda is suspected to be headquartered.

It would have been nice if our royal sovereign, the King/President Bush would have just signed the bill for a time-table instead of reheating Democratic leftovers and trying to pass them off as a new dish. I am pleased, however, that some of Bush's people are backing this idea, including Secretary Rice. If this is pulled off, this should be the first time there was a troop number of that size since 2004.

Maybe that pigeon pooping on him during his last press conference finally convinced him that even animals think his foreign policy is for the birds.

Sheri's Random Rant: The View

I would like to know who is actually watching this show and I demand that these people apologize to me. Thanks to you, that watered-down, four-headed version of Oprah has enough ratings to where I cannot turn the television without hearing about it.

And who gives a damn if Rosie O'Donnell is arguing with some blond Republican? What exactly have either of these people done to benefit mankind? O'Donnell's claims-to-fame are playing a corpulent version of Betty Rubble and arguing with a spoiled, attention-hungry rich guy with the worst hair ever and I have never heard of the other one before...and now they are media darlings?

At least when O'Donnell leaves that putrid excuse for entertainment will go back to the dry bit of airspace it has always been.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

King Bush Wins!

The bill has passed. I feel so betrayed. This once great country is at the mercy of a tyrannical president and an impotent Congress. I cannot help but wonder why do I bother to vote.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Democrats Punk Out!

This is a sad day for America; Bush is officially the king of the United States.

The Democrats in Congress disappointed the hell out of me by letting Bush call their bluff with a bill that doesn't have a time-table. They have crippled the opportunity of exiting this disaster of a war. Why not just include a jewel encrusted crown and just make his monarchy official since they are too afraid to take this tyrant on with the bit of Constitutional power that they have?

Is there no one that will stand up to the Bush administration?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wolfowitz Quits!

It was just too hot in the kitchen for World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz so he's getting out of it:

"Wolfowitz agreed to resign in negotiations with the bank's executive board, pre-empting a growing likelihood that he would have been formally reprimanded or fired, said bank officials who spoke on condition they not be named, citing the political sensitivity of the proceedings."

The end of his reign will occur at the end of June. I will give him credit for resigning; it is a far more dignified way of handling the situation.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sarkozy Wins!..Should I Panic?

Nicholas Sarkozy, son of immigrants but refers to other immigrants as "scum," is now the president of France.

I haven't paid much attention to this race, but what I do know about Sarkozy is not exactly favorable. From what I am understanding, France just elected Dick Cheney sans gun to run their country. But there are two benefits to Sarkozy winning, the first being his pro-American stance means there is a chance for France and the U.S. to get back on good terms with one another politically.

The second is that if he is as volatile as his language, then we get to thumb our noses at France for once.