Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Heat is On?

The New York Times led today with the news that the White House may be showing signs that it is beginning to cave under pressure from at home to end the war in Iraq. Apparently there is supposed to be a debate to determine whether or not troop reduction should start in 2008...conveniently amidst the heat of the presidential election. The numbers are supposed to drop by 46,000 troops and the fight is supposed to now focus on where Al Qaeda is suspected to be headquartered.

It would have been nice if our royal sovereign, the King/President Bush would have just signed the bill for a time-table instead of reheating Democratic leftovers and trying to pass them off as a new dish. I am pleased, however, that some of Bush's people are backing this idea, including Secretary Rice. If this is pulled off, this should be the first time there was a troop number of that size since 2004.

Maybe that pigeon pooping on him during his last press conference finally convinced him that even animals think his foreign policy is for the birds.

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