Friday, June 29, 2012

This is why you don't go STS

STS (n) - an acronym that stands for Straight to Supreme Court, or Straight to SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States)

When the entire brouhaha about the proposed plan by the Obama administration to pursue a national health care plan, several states jumped the gun and took it straight to the courts with the assumption that it would be declared unconstitutional.

Not smart.

I was always wondering why didn't they just leave it in the hands of Congress? You don't EVER want to straight to SCOTUS. In fact, I'm creating a new acronym: STS--Straight to SCOTUS. And justices can be unpredictable. Eisenhower appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren and that resulted in the Brown v. Board of Education decision that ended segregation. While history will show that was the best decision in that case, when the decision came down, Eisenhower was not pleased. He referred to Warrens appointment as being a mistake. At the end of the day, you just can't predict how justices will go.

You don't want to go STS because they turn laws into stone. I was talking to someone a while ago about Roe v. Wade. Said individual believed that Roe v. Wade was being chipped apart in the courts. My thought was that either the organizations behind the repeal of Roe v. Wade are either caught up in zeal or they are doing it to give their supporters the illusion that they are fighting in court. You don't even make it past p. 7 of those rulings before you see the words "this court still upholds Roe v. Wade." So those groups that are going after the ruling in the courts only reinforced it. And this was the situation in the health care law case, and I want to be clear that I'm not comparing the context of the two cases, just the nature of how they were brought to court. I'm hoping whoever is reading this is smarter than that. I remember mentioning that the 7-2 decision in favor of Roe v. Wade was dominated by Republican-appointed justices and said individual went from normal to banshee in seconds like the whole thing was my fault. I didn't write history, I just stated the facts. But I digress...

Anyhoo, because those states that filed the suit against the health care bill jumped the shark and went STS, President Obama got to do his victory pimp walk to the podium.