Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How the Christmas Wars Stole Christmas...

I never thought about what faiths my friends were until I got ready to start mailing cards for the holidays. Once upon a time I bought "Happy Holidays" cards because I wanted to cover the entire holiday season, and not just Christmas. This year I bought Christmas cards and "Happy Holidays" cards because I was so thrown off by the Christmas wars of the past two years that I don't want to risk offending anyone.

The irony of it is that my friends probably are just glad to get a card and could care less what it says.

1 comment:

Jan said...

When I buy my Christmas cards I usually buy whatever I think looks prettiest. This year I bought ones that looked really pretty but said happy holidays instead of specifically merry Christmas. So then I made sure I bought some that said "merry Christmas" to make sure I had some to send to the people that I thought might be offended if they didn't say merry Christmas. By the end of my Christmas card list all I had left was the religious ones so that is what people got regardless. I think the only person I sent a Christmas card to who isn't exactly Christian is our favorite atheist/agnostic professor. :)