Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sheri's Random Rant: Armed and Disgruntled Protesters

I just read an article about some guy bringing an assault rifle to a protest of a presidential town hall. Before that some other brainiac brought a gun that he admitted was loaded to a protest where the president was speaking. They all claim that they are doing it to exercise their right to bear arms and if you believe that dribble you are a lost cause.

I am furious over this growing trend because it has nothing to do with exercising their rights--the fact that you bought a gun is exercising your rights to bear arms. Taking a gun to a presidential event whether you were inside or out is a threat, and given that the people bringing these guns are so off-the-charts mentally that they believe the government is planning to execute their grandparents only gives it more reason to view it as a threat. Historically, unstable or angry citizens with guns and presidents usually did not turn out well. This rage has nothing to do with this administrations' policies and everything to do with a cultural shift scaring the hell out of some doomsday seekers. These people aren't willing to accept the results of a democratic process unless it works in their favor. I have yet to come across one of these geniuses that was even capable of defining what socialism and communism are, and the fact that they think the terms can be used interchangeably is proof that they are up in arms about something and they don't even know what the hell that "something" is. And what is so ironic is that these so-called Freedom Fighters are probably going to end up triggering a backlash that will actually restrict gun laws in states because of their idiocy.

And please don't waste my time with some ******** "argument" about some random liberal that you can't cite that didn't like Bush because I doubt very much they were armed.

I didn't vote for George W. Bush, but I didn't want him to fail, either. Why? BECAUSE I LIVE HERE! Wanting the administration in power to fail makes about as much since as hoping a town bridge you are driving on collapses because you don't like the mayor. I would have had a severe problem with anyone bringing a gun to any of his engagements because that would have been a threat to the president of my country. Even if I didn't vote for him, I at least had the grace to accept that the candidate I wanted lost. He was still my president. I didn't have to like him to respect his position. That line of thinking is this lovely concept called being an adult.

Whether you like Obama or not, he's still your president. Whether you agree with his policies, he's still your president. Whether this cultural shift has you scared as hell because anything different signifies the apocalypse to you, HE'S STILL YOUR PRESIDENT. If you want to protest, great! Don't want a bill passed? Write your freaking Congress member! Still don't like the president? CAMPAIGN HARDER NEXT TIME. But don't go around with silent threats to the President of the United States because you lack the dignity to respect the democratic process!

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