Friday, October 03, 2008

Biden/Palin Debate

I confess that Palin was not as bad as I expected, but given that my bar for her was so low that the mere fact that she didn't run off the stage gave her bonus points. Her response about the power of the VP being "expanded" was confusing and frightening at the same time. It immediately brought to mind Dick Cheney, the most powerful and downright scary VP of all time. Her refusal to answer questions was smart on her part because it saved her from looking like a total idiot. However, at the same time, it irritated me a great deal and was disrespectful. Her response about Biden was "looking backward" will probably be taken up as the sword and shield of her party, but it is not a real response. The point of any election is convey the idea that the candidate will serve the country better that his predecessor. Her party lead the charge in the country's current downfall, so her job is to prove that the American people should give that party a third chance. That argument was like an abusive husband wanting reconciliation and saying that any past abuse didn't count in the wife's considerations. She did a good rebound, but in my jaded glance, I would like to see her succeed at something that doesn't require days of rehearsal.

Biden was wrong on some of his facts: Article II of the Constitution deals with the Executive branch, not Article I, for example. However, I don't have much faith in Joe Blow Voter at this point so that unless Fox News specifically points that out, I doubt they will notice. I was really impressed by Biden's comment about how life was for him as a single father. It was a very, very human moment and I saw sincerity in that response. I thought he did a good job of restraining himself. Giving his reputation for not being good at sticking to the script, he did a great job of not being condescending to Palin.

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