Monday, October 15, 2007

Al Qaida on the Meltdown?

The U.S. military has reported that it has done significant damage to the Al Qaida terrorist group--significant to the point where it has declared victory over the organization.

I don't buy this one bit.

Al Qaida is like a nest of wasps. You think you've killed them all, but unless you kill the source then it will continue to go on forever, and even if you manage to kill the queen of the hive there is another wasp waiting to take the dethroned's place. On a slightly side note, given that this is coming from the same group that declared "Mission Accomplished" for the Iraq War and we are still there, I think that the credibility factor is lacking.

I personally do not believe it is possible to completely destroy Al Qaida; it is a beast that will have to die on its own, and right now it is thriving.

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