Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cheney's Ultimatum

VP Cheney has informed Iran that if it pursues its nuclear program there would be "meaningful consequences."

I think there should be more checks on the power of the Executive Office to conduct war. Do we really need to give access to the Big Red Button to someone that shoots his friends in the face...literally?


Pete said...

Going to war with Iran of course isn't only up to Cheney. Other hawks (Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, etc and senior US Generals who usually sound like Texans, funnily enough, have a say in various Committees. There's noone with Powell's brains, honesty and experience this time to try to slow the aggression down or at least modify it.

The Israeli's have already decided to attack Iran if it doesn't stop its nuclear developments. So, I think, to some extent, the US is responding to Israeli pressure and Israel's timetable.


Anonymous said...

and don't forget to watch this video:


Anonymous said...

Loose Change