Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Laxed Immigration: Why Not?

I thought about the illegal immigration issued and wondered why exactly do we make such a big deal about people becoming citizens. September 11 already proved that one does not have to go through INS to commit terrorists acts in the U.S. One would think that the government would be in favor of laxed immigration: workers could be taxed, and in the case of criminal behavior, tried in American courts without question.

On a side note, I find it terribly ironic that the U.S. - a nation of immigrants - is so xenophobic.


Pete said...

And to think I used to be a "legal alien" in the ol US of A. Watch out ET!

Human said...

"Its no fun being an Illegal Alien".
Hey maybe if we did not make countries our Plantations they wouldn't want to move here.

Anonymous said...

Sheri, if you want ILLEGALS to be here so badly, then why don't you open your house and let them live there (all 12 million of them) pay to feed them, pay their medical costs, and send them to college on your dime--something many Americans can't even afford. So spare us your liberal views--in the words of Michael Savage, Liberalism is a Disease, I think you need to get a check up from the neck up and take in a heavy dose of conservative talk (maybe 8 hour dailt doses for the next 6 months).