Friday, March 24, 2006


I have decided to create a list of politically-inspired jargon for my own amusement. I have already braced myself for the ultra-pathetic joke that will follow the first term, in fact I will go ahead and kill the punchline: "Policab? I thought that meant 'many taxis!'"

Policab - politically-inspired jargon

Übercrat (oo-behr-krat) - a fiercely loyal Democrat; still stewing about 2000 elections and does Howard Dean "whoop" when happy or to irritate Übercans; may still have Kerry/Edwards paraphenalia

Übercan (oo-behr-kan) - a fiercely loyal Republican; still thinks that there are WMDs in Iraq and that the war is "winnable;" wears W the President paraphenalia year-round; defensive about Ann Coulter

Dammitcrat ('dam-it-krat) - a Democrat that serves as an embarassment to the party; ex: Al Sharpton

Republi-damned (ri-'p&-bli-'dam'd) - Republicans that have been blacklisted; ex: Tom Delay

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! Mabey you should author a policab dictionary and publish it! I know polisci students like us would buy copies.