I do not believe in cruelty towards animals. The idea of killing an elephant just to get its tusks will always be appalling to me. My non-cruelty sentiment, however, was never strong enough to join PETA. I have usually been ambivalent about PETA in the past until I came across a site that promotes anti-PETA doctrine. I was a little skeptical about the claims they made about PETA doctrine (PETA being against seeing eye dogs, for example), so I went on the PETA site myself to investigate. The anti-PETA site was actually a little generous. PETA openly supports the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), which uses arson as a means of getting their word out. Quote:
"ALF 'raids' have given us proof of horrific cruelty that would not have otherwise been discovered or believed and have resulted in criminal charges’ being filed against laboratories for violations of the Animal Welfare Act."
That, however, is not what sent me down the path of anti-PETAness. PETA has taken it upon themselves to compare the plight of animal rights to the abolition of slavery, child abuse and even rape. And in their effort to vilify fur-wearing celebs, mocked their alleged eating disorders.
Check out their FAQ if you don't believe me.
And then there is this doozy from their FAQ section on the question of the humaneness of eating plants:
"Rather than eating animals, such as cows, who must consume 16 pounds of vegetation in order to convert them into 1 pound of flesh, you can save many more plants’ lives (and destroy less land) by eating vegetables directly."
Thank you, PETA, for clarifying yourself. I have made it my new mission in life to send a framed, poster-sized, autographed photo of myself eating a giant hamburger with no bun and steak fries (made from real steak) while wearing a full-length sable with a sable hat as I sit on a leather couch with a built-in wine glass holder made of deer antlers to the PETA HQ.
By the by, the anti-seeing eye dog claim is true.
I totally agree with your criticism of PETA. ALF actions supposedly done to save animals are entirely inexcusable and those who commit illegal acts should be treated as any other criminal.
That said, it seems like you are simply using PETA as an excuse to continue behaving in ways that harm animals.
The part from the FAQ section answers a potential question about "well what if plants feel pain?" You attempt to take it out of context.
You claim you do not believe in cruelty to animals. I don't believe you. Because of a single group you would support confining small fur-bearing animals to barren wire cages their entire lives, then anally electrocuting them just to make a luxury item for you? Or support factory farmed animals who live in tight confinement systems where they cannot even turn around or spread a wing? (If you don't believe that really happens, look at a recent ballot initiative in Arizona which made it illegal to confine veal calves and pigs in gestation crates in spaces so small that they can't turn around. It certainly exists and exists in every single other state.)
You really don't take cruelty to animals seriously at all. You're very selective in your approach and just choose to care about some animals. And seem perfectly willing to subject them to a life of misery just because you disagree with what PETA says.
You have a choice to be cruel or to be kind. The way you have it you subject animals to lives where they never see the outdoors, never feel the grass beneath their feet, never know their mothers, maybe never see another animal, they just sit in a cage their entire lives until they are slaughtered. Yet you claim to be kind.
Protecting animals from needless stress and suffering and death is not the most important thing in the world, but it certainly isn't the least important.
If all the animals whose lives you affect were caged up outside your house all their lives, and you had to listen to them crying in pain, I'm certain you wouldn't treat their suffering so frivilously.
That was actually sarcasm...sorry you couldn't follow along.
Actually, you were right about my selectiveness: the hamburger stays.
Yes PETA is an odd mix. They also oppose the culling of kangaroos here in Australia. These creatures are in plague proportions, never been so many and many are starving. But they are cute so apparently can't be culled.
Yet PETA and ALF have said they can't be killed - just let'em starve to death over weeks in pain - I suppose.
I found your blog by Googling anti-PETA. I friend of mine started spewing her PETA-induced brainwashed views during a meal with friends. A meal that contained meat for everyone except for her. I got really irritated because I feel like there is so much propaganda and so little fact. I love animals and are all for their rights...and PETA simply doesn't seem to truly respect all animals.
Oh goodness, I can't tell you how much I hate PETA. I love animals and PETA is so ridiculous it makes care less about animal needs and rights. I wouldn't shed a tear if any of the ALF was gunned down during their terrorist attacks.
Whenever I feel I need to be darn right bloody horrible to someone I usually find some pro PETA website and vent my spleen in their general direction. Hurray for PETA!
ALF are terrorists and radicals any journalists who calls them heros should be ashamed
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