Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Diet Diaries Help Weight Loss

They will also drive you insane, which will lead to taking happy pills that make you gain more weight. I do not normally condone the burning of books, but if it is a diet book or journal not only do I recommend it, I think you should make a party of it and invite friends over to do the same. There is something soothing about watching a diet book burn while drinking margaritas.


S said...

You obviously didn't read the post, did you?

Derrek said...

(you are right, I opened a few post windows to post to other sites, I didn't mean to go to yours)

Why does tracking food consumption lead to happy pills? That hasn't been my experience at all. It's simply raised awareness for me so I think before I eat that extra snack. Is there evidence to support this?

I don't want to encourage people to do anything unhealthy.


S said...

I have found that personal experience is far more reliable than case studies.

Derrek said...

I concur. I just haven't run into many people that say writing down what you eat has negative side effects. I've heard people say it's not helpful. but never harmful.

Thanks for sharing! I need to explore this more.

S said...

You are welcomed.