Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Didn't Know S.C. Was Gay!

This is funny as hell.

I thought this may have been a mistake when I spotted it, but no, this was an actual ad posted in London among many other ads swearing that their sponsor is the gayest state in the union. Along with Civil War plantations, this South Carolina ad promises that the lovely state also has "gay beaches" and variously nightlife to accommodate potential tourists.

What makes this ad so incredibly hilarious is that now the citizens of S.C. are aware that their tax dollars went to encouraging homosexual people to come to their state. Given that the state is still adjusting to blacks and Mexicans, the citizens of S.C. (surprise!) are in an uproar. The ad was pulled, but I am going to contact the S.C. Department of Tourism to see if I can get that ad on a T-Shirt.

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