Wednesday, July 09, 2008

My Comments on the Clark Comment

There is a brutal double standard when it comes to Election Season: attacking the records and qualifications of Democrats is perfectly acceptable. Attacking the records and qualifications of Republicans? BLASPHEMY!

General Clark made a comment a bit ago along the thread that Sen. McCain's experience as a POW did not necessarily make him presidential material. Clark was blacklisted for saying that, yet no one seemed to have a problem when it was done to John Kerry in 2004. McCain--who said himself that it takes no talent to be shot down--made it clear that he was staying in Iraq until the bitter end and who was against reforms to enhance the G.I. Bill (which is a pain to cash in on when you get out of the service and doesn't last more than two years...even though colleges tend to take four years to complete) is untouchable.

Are the voters of this country REALLY that gullible? Clark was telling the truth! It doesn't make anyone qualified to be a President, and I don't care what any of you gun-totin' pick-up truck drivers have to say about it, the ONLY thing that can be used to gage McCain's qualifications is his record in politics. I am a veteran...if I become Republican, does that mean I have what it takes to be President? No!

That being said, my initial beef with Obama was his utter lack of experience in politics, and I still bristle at the geniuses that insisted that little discrepancy was irrelevant. The only reason I support him now is because he is the lesser of two evils. I just hope he isn't too arrogant to realize which person he needs to choose for the VP spot.

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