Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is Bush Opening the Gateway to the Death of Birth Control?

I am going to call this act what it is: a last minute attempt for brownie points from the only people that will give Bush the time of day now: religious conservatives.

This act, which essentially claims that it will protect health care workers from dispensing prescriptions or providing services that they find morally reprehensible. My first question was this: who are these geniuses getting jobs at abortion clinics and becoming pharmacists when they have moral objections about the profession? I am against organized crime, so I won't work for the mafia. I dislike cancer, so I do not work for nuclear plants. I dislike pain, so I chose not to become a boxer. If the job description violates your moral code, common sense says, "DON'T WORK THERE."

I consider myself to be pretty faithful to my religion, but I consider myself to be logical, too. This proposal can be the gateway to allowing many professionals to get away with not doing their job and getting paid for it, too, therefore it should be scrapped. How would you feel if your child could not get a blood transfusion because the doctor was a Jehovah's Witness (their faith is against the passing of one person's blood to another)?

I have always had problems with the types of people that would support proposals like this because their tactics are so brutally flawed. Picketing abortion clinics will not stop it from happening. Forcing legislation to prevent someone from doing something to themselves will not stop it. There are other more rational ways to approach it. Personally, I am convinced that these people are not addicted to their cause, they are addicted to their sense of self-righteousness...and personally, I resent how these people who fight so hard to save unborn children are the same ones that resent the government aid their caregivers receive to take care of them after they are born.

Link to Conscience Clause Proposal

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