Monday, January 02, 2006

EuroPart: Redefining International Relations

I am sure at least half the world is familiar with the EuroPart controversy by now. I viewed the entire 75-page project*, and several of the pieces are quite striking. The art involving depictions of Bush, Chirac and Queen Elizabeth engaged in intimate acts that are causing such an uproar, however, struck me as being cartoonish in nature and hopelessly dull. I was expecting to see art that indirectly conveyed something with more depth. Years from now it may be considered ahead of its time, but my reactions were sarcasm and a yawn.

At any rate, I am not surprised at all that the Austrian government yanked them off billboards.

*Azureus required to view EuroPart project.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Interesting, but let it be purrrfectly clear that its the Austrian, not Australian, government we're talking about!

Ve Aussies are var more exitink!