Friday, January 13, 2006

Holy Land Bans "Holy Man?"

I thank God for Pat Robertson. Every time someone tries to throw Howard Dean or Al Sharpton in my face, all I have to say is "Pat Robertson" and the opposition falls silent. True, the GOP has other sore spots, such as Ann Coulter, but even she is not bold enough to claim to be the spokesperson for the Almighty. Plus none of the additional aforementioned names have ever been sanctioned by God's chosen people.

It never ceases to amaze me how quick the self-righteous right screams "Revelations!" at every natural disaster. The second something runs contrary to their interpretations of this oh-so-abused biblical book, they attack the discrepancy for not following the script instead of entertaining the idea that God may have other plans.

I would peg Robertson as the Antichrist, but the Antichrist is supposed to be smart.


Anonymous said...

Actually, a lot of us conservatives hate Robertson too. He's an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what Anonymous said........Robertson give all conservatives a bad name.

Some of use are not as far to the right as the liberals are to the left.