Friday, November 18, 2005

One Bad Murtha

Representative John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania is probably going to be the most Googled politician today, especially after his call for 153,000 American troops to be pulled out of Iraq within six months. After reading this Vietnam combat veteran's history, it appears that any creakings from this "hawkish" ex-Marine are taken quite seriously, and this is almost the Congressional equivalent of the Sermon on the Mount. The cheeky rep also made the biting dissent that many condemning Iraq War critics were legal draft dodgers. Cheney was deferred from serving five times. The response? Some Republicans are comparing this decorated war hero to Michael Moore, stating that Democrats are being liberal and are fleeing from terrorists who "kill innocent Americans."

Has anyone else noticed that they are swimming back to the "War on Terrorism" excuse and the coin "liberating the Iraqis" is becoming less used?

1 comment:

Human said...

Hi Sheri. Right after Rep. Murtha made his speech I called his DC in support. His office said positive was outweighing negative by a huge margin.
The Republican Resolution last night was just a farce. Rep. Murtha did not call for immediate withdrawl.
The Repugs are also talking about "Ethics" violations againt Rep. Murtha. The farce continues.