Friday, November 11, 2005

Sheri's Weekly Rant - Ann Coulter Talking Doll

Ann Coulter has a talking doll? Who the hell came up with this idea? As if the real thing was not bad enough, here we are with mass-produced Barbie ripoffs with even more ridiculously big hair that spew unstructured rants. I realize this product is not new, but when I heard about it ages ago, I genuinely thought it was a bad joke. The subtitle on the box is "America's Real Action Heroes." now she and Bush supersede not only our Armed Forces, but apparently G.I. Joe as well. This is the ultimate gag gift - and no, I mean "gag" as in an action related to illness, not funny-ha-ha "gag."

On the bright side, at least now I have something to burn in effigy during the Senate elections. Hmm...I wonder if they have one for Condoleeza Rice?

1 comment:

Human said...

Oh my God. I thought it was ANDY Coulter not Ann. Course my teen years were spent in California. Hard to tell the differance there.