Friday, December 23, 2005

Black Ink Monday

I have been meaning to bring up a concern that is not well-known but will greatly be noticed in the upcoming weeks. Several paper giants have made it an issue to rid their newspapers of editorial cartoons for the sake of increasing their already impressive profits. The jobs of editorial cartoonists responsible for the lovely daily cartoons that I post are on the chopping block, and many cartoonists are appealing to the public to voice dissent. I feel that it is my responsibility to at least make some attempt to drum up more support.

The cartoonists are asking that emails be sent to Tribune Company's Gary Weitman, VP of Communications.


porchwise said...

I sent my email. Sometimes (often, actually) the cartoon is the only thing worth reading on the editorial pages...especially the Mobile Register, the right wing champion of the gulf coast with lots of yada, yada, yada.

Human said...

Da Baaasturds.