Wednesday, December 07, 2005

On the Subject of Hussein's Trial

The LA Times leads with Hussein's trial, in which Abu Ghraib survivors of his prisons were brought in as witnesses to the atrocities experienced at the hands of that government. Although I do not have a transcript of the trial , the Times makes note that the testimony did not really help:
"Her riveting testimony made for compelling television but less-than-ideal prosecutorial evidence as it veered from her own experiences to stories apparently picked up from relatives or friends. Her account was long on dramatic flourishes and short on detail."

The accounts that were given bore an incredible resemblance to the scandal that occurred at the same prison, which the defense was keen to point out:

"'I agree that things in Abu Ghraib were, until recently, bad, but did they use dogs on you? Did they take photographs?'" said one defense attorney, alluding to U.S. troops' abuse of Iraqi detainees at the prison. 'No,' she replied."


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