Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sheri's Weekly Rant - Movies about Overpopulated Families

While previewing some of the movies featured this year, I could not help but notice that three involved families with obscene amounts of children. Those movies would be Cheaper by the Dozen, Yours, Mine and Ours and - of course - Cheaper by the Dozen 2.

What the hell. I realize that some writers are short on ideas, but movies about couples that have not grasped the concept of birth control is the epitome of all evil and wrong. Family comedy? Any movie about any family with enough kids to sponsor their own PTA chapter should be in the horror section. And correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the lack of funds for Social Security a result of over-sexed couples 50 years ago? So what does Hollywood do? Make movies about couples that are competing with rabbits.

I am fighting the temptation to stand outside of that movie and pass out condoms in protest.


Jan said...

lmao! Handing out condoms in Troy might get you arrested.

porchwise said...

You saved me a blog as I programmed my Tivo last week to pick up all the sitcoms as I wanted to see if anything funny was on (since Seinfield, there ain't been much) and it seems all the sitcoms are group endeavors. I find more comedy on the internet.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!!!