Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Sign of Desperate Times?

The Republican National Committee has reached an all-time low. This was just distasteful. The GOP did an ad that shows Howard Dean, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and Sen. John Kerry denouncing the war, and using footage of a soldier watching a television, ended with, "Our soldiers are watching and our enemies are too." The footage had been doctored. Among some of the changes: the comments that Kerry used specifically referred to Iraqi police and soldiers, not ours, and to cap it off, the soldier in the ad was actually watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but that had been edited out. Although I am not naïve enough to contend that this tactic is not being used by both sides, this one was just too great of a stretch to leave unchallenged.

That soldier had the right idea: watch the Grinch. The alternative is still fiction, so why not choose the entertaining show?

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