Friday, December 16, 2005

The Gov't Really Was Watching Them...

An apology is due to all the people termed as being paranoid...the government really was watching them.

The New York Times features the scandal involving Bush giving NSA pre-Patriot Act civilian spying privileges. Apparently some NSA officials made enough noise about the legalities of the McCarthy-ish policy that it was allegedly suspended last year. These singled-out civilians ranged from actual terrorist suspects to anti-war demonstrators. As I have stated in a previous post, the powers granted to NSA and every other intelligence agency prior to Bush were getting the job done. The great intel snafus (9/11 and the Iraq War) were not the result of poor information, but poor leadership. In the end, whatever actions were taken were W's call.

Wow. Media tampering, spying on citizens and veto-threats to policies against torture. Maybe another country will come in and "democratize" us.

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