Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Nothing Can Stop the U.S. Chair Force!

I should be working on something else, but this is too much to pass up:

The Los Angeles Times leads today with the announcement that 3,000 Air Force personnel will be retrained into Army positions to compensate for the limited soldiers available to deal with the strain of the conflict in Iraq. Wow. DOD just lost 3,000 reenlistments. I believe I speak with some degree of authority when I say that people join the Air Force with the intention of avoiding Army-esque positions and the extreme differences in culture. Yes, Virginia, military branches have their own culture. This Trail of Tears leads me to question how this will affect the ability of the AF to fulfill its duties in the future, now that they will be deprived of trained personnel, many of which occupy vital fields that are already severely underpopulated. So much for the good ol' days of the "Job Comes First" Chair Force. I bet dozens of former AF personnel are thinking, "Phew...I got out just in time." I know I am.

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