Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Torture for a Better America

I just finished the Washington Post's piece of how VP Cheney is aggressively pursuing the rewording of legislature proposed by McCain and Co. to prevent the abuse of detainees. Cheney's goal is to exempt the CIA from this amendment and he is so adamant in his efforts that he has already assured that the President will veto any defense spending bills that suggest condemnation of past and potential acts of torture. As of now, many of the detainees are not registered with the Red Cross and inspectors have been denied access to detainment facilities. Many are hidden and as the Post put it, '"disappeared," like the victims of some dictatorships."

What this administration fails to realize is that these torture tanks are making martyrs, not protecting Americans. While it is impossible to prevent every breach of our borders, tragedies such as 9/11 could have been prevented by a more attentive administration. The Post also mentions that the number of deaths of American soldiers has reached 2,000. Two-thirds of these deaths are the result of roadside bombs, and reports indicate that insurgents will receive weapons that are "seven times stronger" than the ones currently available in Iraq. This administration's blatant disregard for human rights and the Geneva Convention is only further demonizing our image abroad.

Is it any wonder that the insurgent movement is stepping it up a notch?

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